oscillations for bassoon and piano (2019)


Bassoon, Piano

Duration: ca. 7’

About the piece:

oscillations (n.):

Variations or fluctuations between two states, limits, opinions, etc.
(Oxford Dictionary)​

oscillations explores the contrast between stillness and turbulence, and the transformation to and from these two states. These variations are reflected in the contour of lines, alternation of notes and shifts in colour and timbre in the bassoon and piano. The three sections of the piece comprises varying degrees of stability and instability that changes over time (much like our friendship over the years).

oscillations is written for and dedicated to my dear bassoonist friend Goh Mok Cheong.

First performance: 

April 2019, Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music, Singapore​

Performed by:

Goh Mok Cheong (bassoon), Liu Jia (piano)