pull for solo percussion (2020)



Duration: ca. 5’

About the piece:

pull explores the concept of attraction and repulsion, forces seen in magnets, through the gestures of percussion playing. In regular percussion playing, an open stroke is done by hitting and immediately lifting off a surface – which could be seen as “repelling” the surface; while a dead stroke seems to be “attracted” to the surface. This piece explores these basic gestures, using different mallets and objects, as well as prolonging the sound through friction. Visually, the percussion set-up is split into two sides (one for each hand), with a suspended metal sheet in the middle, in which both sides seem to gravitate towards the middle towards the end of the piece. The metal sheet serves as both a barrier, separating the two sides of different resonances, as well as a meeting point of attraction between the two.

Written for Ross Karre


January 2021, USA

Performed by:

Ross Karre (percussion)